Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Patient Rights – Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for patient’s rights. A copy of the patient rights is available to all patients or responsible parties upon admission, if requested, and displayed prominently in the waiting area.
The patient has the right to privacy, respect and dignity provided by competent personnel.
The patient has the right to have access to an interpreter at no cost to them.
The patient has the right to full information, in layman’s terms, concerning diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and prognosis, including information about alternative treatments and possible complications.
When it is medically inadvisable to give the information to the patient, the information is given on their behalf to the person designated by the patient or to a legally authorized person.
The patient has the right to participate in decisions involving their health care, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
The patient has the right to voice grievances regarding treatment or care.
The patient has the right to provide feedback, including complaints regarding treatment or care.
The patient has the right to change physicians, if another qualified physician is available.
It is the patient’s right to have an advance directive; however, if a patient has a procedure in this center, they must understand that this center’s staff will perform life saving measures in any situation deemed necessary.
The patient has the right to be given the name of their attending practitioners, the names of all other practitioners directly participating in their care, and the names and functions of other health care persons having direct contact with the patient.
The patient has the right to confidential disclosures and records of their medical care, except as otherwise provided by law or third party contractual arrangement.
The patient has the right to give informed consent prior to participation in a medical care research program. If the patient is unable to give consent, a legally authorized person has the right to be advised when a practitioner is considering the patient as a part a program. The patient or responsible person has the right to refuse to continue in a program in which they have previously given informed consent.
The patient has the right to refuse participation in experimental research.
The patient has the right to medical and clinical services without discrimination based upon age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or source of payment.
The patient has the right to expect the center to provide them, or other designee, upon request, access to the information contained in their medical record, unless the attending practitioner, for medical reasons, specifically restricts access. In addition, the patient has the right to expect a reasonable and timely transfer of information from one practitioner to another when required.
Patient Responsibilities – Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline patient participation and responsibilities with regards to timeliness of appointments, cooperation with treatment and the information they provide for insurance purposes.
Patients are expected to keep appointments, or telephone the office, when they cannot keep a scheduled appointment. Patients are required to bring information about past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to their health.
The patient is responsible for providing complete and accurate information to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, health issues, including past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, including over-the-counter products and dietary supplements, any allergies or sensitivities and unexpected changes in the patient’s condition.
It is the patient’s responsibility to follow the agreed upon treatment plan prescribed by their physician and participate in their care.
Patients are responsible for providing a responsible adult to transport them home from the facility and remain with the patient, if indicated by the physician on the discharge instructions.
It is the responsibility of the patient to provide information necessary for insurance processing of their bills, to obtain the required referrals from their primary care physician and to promptly pay their office bills. It is also the patient’s responsibility to accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by their insurance company. A patient may ask questions concerning their bills.
Patients are expected to be respectful and considerate of the health care providers and staff, other patients, their family members, visitors, and the property of others.
Duly authorized members of the patient’s family are expected to be available to personnel for review of the patient’s treatment, in the event that the patient is unable to communicate with the physicians or clinical staff.
Communication between the patient and the center’s team is an important element in good health care. Patients are encouraged to provide input about the care they receive. If patients are concerned about or displeased with any aspect of their care, they should contact the administrator/medical director.
Suggestions or comments from patients are encouraged and appreciated. All suggestions or comments should be forwarded to the administrator/medical director.
Shenandoah Valley Gastroenterology has a complaint form that can be obtained from the receptionist by any individual who wishes to report concerns that they have with the services provided.
Shenandoah Valley Gastroenterology through its medical director, medical staff and governing body will investigate all complaints. Based on the findings, appropriate action is taken to rectify the problem.
Patient Complaints and Grievances – Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all patients are able to report complaints and grievances.
A response is provided to the individual within sixty days of receipt of the complaint.
If an individual feels that their complaint was not handled appropriately, the Virginia Department of Health Complaint Unit can be notified at 1-800-955-1819.
If an individual feels that their complaint was not handled appropriately, the Federal Government can also be notified by contacting the Department of Health and Human Services at 1-877-696-6775.
Dr. Pou and the staff at Shenandoah Valley Gastroenterology will evaluate and treat your gastrointestinal disorders with sensitivity, compassion, professionalism and confidentiality.
Our board-certified gastroenterologist and support staff will provide the highest quality and most up to date healthcare to help assure your comfort and confidence.
Our billing office can be reached at 540-437-0087 for information concerning fees for services and payment policies.